Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thoughts on this flick? When I first heard about it, I wrote it off as a surefire piece of shit. The SNL skit isnt even funny to me, but it is getting some serious pub. I assume it will either be a heaping helping of donkey shit or a classic. Is anyone partial?

Side note: this blog has improved the quality of my life considerably.
Side note 2: going to a bachelor party in Tampa this afternoon and we have 10 moustached men playing a TPC course tomorrow morning. Hat tip to Faust for the bachelor party moustache phenomenon.


Faust said...

I am excited. I think it's going to be good. However, as with all movies, it's all about expectations and I always try and temper mine before any movie. Will Forte and Kristen Wiig are talented enough to make this movie worth seeing.

Nick, how could you not like the MacGruber with Charles Barkley?

Butz said...

I havent seen the one with Bark, but I will check it out now. I doubt it will change my opinion of the skit.

The Bear said...

The skits are ok, I definitely dont laugh my ass off when they come on. I think the movie will probably suck, NBC/SNL Im sure is helping boost the publicity. I wont waste my time unless I hear 9 of 10 good reviews from friends.

marcspoke said...

well put.

Faust said...

Bear also likes Jimmy Buffett.

BDub_210 said...

He is a Parrot Head and ad we speak Bear and friends are sipping on margaritas in flip flops (as not to step on a pop tops) and 99% sure he is wearing a Tommy Bahama button down with a marlin on the back. Not that this should take anything away from his critique of any and all things RTVF whatsoever...

Adam said...

I'm with Bear. Jim Buffett or not, I've never found MacGruber funny. Always ends in a poorly timed explosion, or from what I remember. Correct me if there has been some sort evolution in the skit.

First time, funny. Second time, oh, I see a trend here. Third time, oh, here comes an untimely explosion followed by the "MacGruber" shout, which is a rip-off of MacGyver.

Did anyone see Hot Rod with Andy Sandburg? Had some pretty funny moments. I feel like MaGroobs will be like that.

Never found Will Forte very good.

Faust said...

I agree that Will Forte was once a pretty poor cast member, but I think he has really evolved.

I stand by this movie that I have not yet seen.

Adam said...

Anyone see Iron Man 2 yet?

I was disappointed. I acutally coughed during the "Scarlett Johannsen kicks ass for four minutes" scene and said "unnecessary".

Also, the cinema era of bad remakes (friday the 13th, Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood) and sequels upon sequels (Shrek 9 and Toy Story 11) is dampening the movie market, at least in this cynic's mind.


marcspoke said...

try skepticism?