I hung out with Nick Butz this weekend.... Butz is great... blah blah blah.
Anyway, he wants in. He thinks he can bring something special to the blog. I can't argue with him. So, there is a poll to your right. Please vote him in or out. It take 100% of the voters to allow him in. His major concern was Chambers vote. Please only vote once.
I Bruced Bowened him in basketball on Saturday. 1 for 15 I think?
You sure did. No doubt about it. You also played well offensively. Would you say that was your best game of pick-up basketball ever?
He belongs.
No, a couple of games at the REC in 2003 stand out. I also dominated Haverty in the pick up game we played at Trail Lake circa 02 I believe.
Although I am sure Bear played well there has never been a more well defended basketball game the Lubahn v Williams Rec Center Court 2.
Is that the game you did not record a shot attempt?
Quite the contrary. I recorded several shot attempts it just so happened that every single one of them was blocked, and yes I mean every single one.
At one point I dribbled to the other end and was able to out "T-Lue" Williams and run down court however my layups have always been very suspect so I decided to post up at the top of the key only to have the ball, mid-shot, slammed down onto the floor and back up into my chin...cool
Final score: Forfeit.
It was 4-0. You said, "If I don't get my next shot off, I quit."
You pumped faked, I bit. You shot, I recovered. Ball deflected high, falling short of rim. I laugh. You walk to bench. Retrieve keys. Leave gym.
well commentated....
that was amazing, i felt like i was there.
Butz is only one vote away.... this is epic.
I voted twice.
I really like Butz.
Good to see you around Brown. When do you go to MN?
Voting twice is unpatriotic.
are we "i the fuk is" patriots?
Headed north on June 1st but will be bouncing all over the place until the first week of July or so.
Are you coming back to visit me?
I haven't puked since you were here.
Also, I successfully completed the remainder of the humongous bag of Caribbean brown weed two weeks ago. I then watched Drillbit Taylor. Lots of good movies on TV in CR. Marijuana helps.
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