Mitch Albom's real ears have never been photographed in their entirety. First one to find a full picture of these wings wins free q-tips for a year. I've never noticed this before, and I give the guy credit for keeping them shrouded from the world.
I think the guy seems like a dick.
The guy is an epic dick. I watch him on The Sports Reporters and I want to fight him, his Pete Rose haircut and Mike Lupica.
Mike, Mitch and I in a pit surrounded by fire with taped hands dipped in glass. This is all I end up wanting on those Sunday mornings that I subject myself to that fucking show.
I was not aware Steve Guttenberg and Paul Reiser ha conceived a son. BTW, Happy Father's day to all our DADS out there.
Hate Mitch Albom. He started with Tuesdays with Morrie, which worked and made people understand that life ends.
Then made four more books about it, all which people who don't really read deemed "inspiring".
Also an annoying whiny sports reporter. Once wrote a story about being at the Final Four but wasn't really at the game.
I hope my career is an eighth as successful as Mitch Albom's.
Can I have more details about him writing a story regarding a Final Four game that he did not attend, please?
When Michigan State was in the Final Four, eh, I think like four years ago, Albom, who works for the Detroit Free Press, wrote that Mateen Cleaves and Jason Richardson attended the game and wore green. They didn't even go to the game, and everyone caught the error and called him a bad journalist. He was suspended and spent his time off giving names to each of his stacks of millions.
he must be elf blood. ive been scouring the internet for about 5 minutes now, and cant find the tops of his ears. we should all have a profound respect for the man who taught us to cry about our geriatrics, without having to ever really get involved with the depends. what's medicaid for, der? i wonder if he's really as introspective and super swell as he seems. he's got the opposite of a great burt reynolds hair piece. -1.
Muggleblood is the correct nomenclature.
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